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Decode Semiconductor Dislocation Traces Unveil Chip Leakage Causes with TEM

Traces of dislocations analysis by TEM is a critical Material analysis. Since the dislocations may cause defects leading to leakage currents in IC…

Decoding GaN Epitaxial Layer Dislocation Types with TEM Analysis

GaN dislocation is a concern in wide band-gap semiconductors, these defects varying in density and types, significantly impact the function…

Lower-Cost TEM Unlocks Atomic-Scale Heterogeneous Crystal Interfaces

This article presents the use of FFT (Fourier filtering techniques) to enhance HRTEM image quality in TEM at a relatively lower cost…

Five Case Studies Unveil What You Don’t Know About TEM Material Analysis

TEM DF, the useful feature of TEM. How to select at least 8 types of TEM image analysis techniques to achieve efficient & effective material analysis?

How to Interpret the Brightness and Darkness of TEM Images to Unlock the Secrets of Materials

Although it is the same TEM black and white image,there can be drastically different interpretations. What knowledge lies between the black and white of TEM images, and how to ensure that you are on the correct side?

Lost in Inertia: Is Inertia Thinking Distorting Your TEM Results?

Inertia thinking may enable you to become more proficient, but it may also lead us to a wrong direction in TEM sample preparation…