Home Recent CSR Activities 【Love Cycle Project】Wishing the Grandpas and Grandmas of Chang-an Elderly Care Center a Healthy and Long Life

【Love Cycle Project】Wishing the Grandpas and Grandmas of Chang-an Elderly Care Center a Healthy and Long Life

Issued Date: 2022/9/21
Issued by: iST

The pandemic that has changed people’s way of life is still ongoing. As we learn to coexist with the virus, we also learn the importance of “cherishing our loved ones in a timely manner”.

iST continues to take strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus and take care of ourselves. When we have the capacity, we also take care of the vulnerable corners in the community. This is an indispensable social responsibility as a company.

The “Love Cycle Project” is still running continuously. iST provides vegetables and cakes grown by the young hands for the happy elders to enjoy. With a spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation, iST brings together two generations, hoping that we can hold hands and walk through the pandemic era together.

iST wishes the grandpas and grandmas of Chang-an Elderly Care Center a happy birthday!


Grown-up with hands family:


Chang-an Elderly Nursing Center:
