Home About iST Corporate Social Responsibility Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

iST is committed to adhering to international human rights conventions, referencing the spirit of documents such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, along with other relevant industry standards and international agreements. Upholding the principles of “Respect for Human Rights” and “Merit-Based Employment,” we treat all colleagues equally and with respect. We are dedicated to establishing a workplace characterized by integrity, health, and safety, ensuring that the safety and health conditions of the work environment meet established standards. Our ongoing efforts involve improving the working conditions and welfare of all employees.

iST places a paramount emphasis on the promotion of labor rights and business ethics. Through platforms such as work regulations, document management systems, and announcement systems, we disseminate information and periodically review and optimize related systems. We uphold the principles of respecting human rights and providing equal and suitable job opportunities to candidates and employees. Discrimination based on non-work-related factors such as race, religion, belief, gender, marital status, disability, or other legally protected attributes is strictly prohibited. These principles apply to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, and benefits, with the expectation of mutual growth with the company.

Eradicating Unlawful Discrimination and Ensuring Equal Opportunity

Our work regulations unequivocally state that the company does not allow any factors such as race, religion, belief, gender, marital or pregnancy status, age, political background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, zodiac sign, blood type, or any other reasons to affect the recruitment process and hiring decisions. There have been zero complaints related to recruitment or hiring violations.

Implementation status 2023

Zero Tolerance for Unlawful Harassment

We have established the “Guidelines for Preventing Unlawful Harassment during Job Duties” and the “Complaint and Disciplinary Measures for the Prevention of Workplace Harassment at iST.” These measures safeguard all employees from physical or psychological harm during job execution. We cultivate a communicative and open management-friendly work environment, holding education and training sessions to prevent workplace harassment. A total of 230 participants attended these prevention education and training courses, with no reported cases of discrimination or harassment.

Laws Governing Labor Rights

Each employee’s labor contract with the company adheres to Taiwan’s relevant labor and human rights laws and regulations. There have been zero complaints related to employee rights violations.

Prohibition of Forced Labor

Upon establishing an employment relationship, labor contracts are legally signed, ensuring that no form of slavery or coercion forces employees into involuntary labor.

Child Labor Prohibition

The company abides by regulations and does not employ individuals under the age of 18 as child labor or young workers. Any behavior that could lead to child labor employment is strictly prohibited.

Protection of Female Workers

Our work regulations specify protection measures for female colleagues, especially for pregnant workers, including prohibition from night work and hazardous tasks.

Working Hours

iST’s work regulations stipulate that daily working hours do not exceed 12 hours, weekly working hours do not exceed 7 days, and monthly overtime is limited to 46 hours. These standards are periodically communicated through labor-management meetings.

Competitive Compensation and Generous Benefits

Employee salaries adhere to legal requirements while ensuring competitive remuneration in the talent market. Benefits exceed industry standards. The company regularly reviews the compensation system and ensures that the leave system surpasses statutory requirements, ensuring internal fairness and external competitiveness.

Other Measures
  1. iST provides lactation rooms to accommodate maternal needs, adhering to labor health protection laws. Professional nurses provide health services and health education in accordance with legal regulations, with on-site medical practitioners available.
  2. All employees undergo regular health checks, and medical professionals provide health consultations.
  3. Through pre-employment education, we educate new employees on human rights regulations and foster human rights awareness through internal communication platforms. In 2022, 230 new employees participated in orientation training, totaling 338 hours.
  4. We offer a comprehensive series of occupational safety education and training, tailored to various employee categories and potential workplace scenarios. These include fire drills, emergency response training, first aid, general safety and health education, plant safety training, and management safety training. In 2022, a total of 515 employees attended safety and health education courses, amounting to 335 hours.
  5. New employees within three months of joining the company receive personal care and feedback from supervisors. Team-building courses are conducted to enhance their understanding of the company’s core values.